Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hadley is doing great! Lots of changes each week. She laughed for the first time last week but we havne't been able to get her to do it again. Last night she spent some time in her bumbo seat and is really starting to reach for toys and EVERYTHING is going directly into her mouth. I had no idea it started this young. She ALMOST rolled over from back to front today and work and I just happened to have camera. She is wearing a very hip outfit, just a diaper and a shirt and knee socks. Oops. Ha. We were in the process of changing her. Don't think I don't put pants on my kid. Although, it is about 70 degrees today. She is also becoming extremely vocal like her mother. I am posting a video or her talking a ton and one of her almost rolling over. Enjoy the pictures as well.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

She is so cute -- and SO strong!! Go Hadley!