Tuesday, September 15, 2009

End of Summer :(

Hadley got the animal crackers when we weren't looking!

Hadley's new car and Redskins outfit

Larry and Hadley

Its true...summer is over! We or Hadley, Kali and I have spent almost the last two weeks down at the beach. WE had some pretty icky weather and some great days mixed in. Jenny Jennings and little Larry came to visit us the last weekend in August and then we were down again for Labor Day, first skins game, etc. Lots of pictures from the various events. Hadley had her first ever Gus french fry and loved it and also had her first Grotto pizza. REALLY loved that! WE also gave her chicken and rice that mom had made and she gagged it all up, so currently a vegetarian. She cut at LEAST 3 top teeth while we were at the beach but they are all over the place so quite snaggley. She will be a snaggletooth for Halloween this year maybe. She wore her new Hokie outfit and bow and her Redskins cheerleading outfit. Fun times were had by all. Enjoy!


Christine said...

i want to see those new snaggley teeth :o). glad you all have been enjoying the end of summer. so sad to be missing the girls beach trip :o(. we will be back the week of thanksgiving if you are around at all. hope to see you then!

Caroline said...

love all the new pics! and glad you got some bows in that hair :)

The Abbotts said...

I love her little bows! Also love that she loves gus's fries & grottos pizza. Yum I could go for those right now; too bad I'll miss out next weekend :(.