Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Babysitting in Ashburn for weekend

Hadley wearing the twins helmet

Hadley wearing the jet pack...hahahahahahahahaha

Dinner with Friends over the holidays...

Josh, Alex, Heather, Jamie, Christine, Price, Abby

Price and Hadley in her new hat from Morgan Christmas Eve

Kyle, Jake, Hadley and Price Booker at Great Granny's funeral

Hadley in Great Grandma Bors Chair

Hadley in her car seat, taken with phone...

Gosh...I have been bad and not posted in a LONG time. Here we are about the end of January and I havne' t posted since the big snow back in December. I have a few videos to upload. Price got me a flip camera for my birthday so we have used it some, not as much as we should, but I have some videos from the holidays to share. Then I was having issues with our internet connection and it was taking 10 thousand years for pictures to upload..so let me see what I can do today. Hadley is almost 15 mos old now and she is trying to run, she has 8 teeth in and cutting all four molars at the same time (thats super fun), she got RSV two weeks ago so trying to give a 14 month old nebulizer treatments 3 times a day is ALSO FUN, she is starting to say more and more words...her favorites so far are milk (miiil), Kali (Ga.......li), Bye Bye, Mama, Dada, Beep Beep (for her car), she sings a ton, dances ALL THE TIME (even when my phone rings) and lets see..also starting to test our patience. She is into throwing some tantrums and such. I will try and get those on video cuz they are quite funny...for a second. Anyway..enjoy. We did have a great holiday season and look forward to an exciting and great 2010.

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