Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hads snowed in with mom and dad on couch
Mom and Hads on walk to wine bar

Dad and Hads on way home from Superbowl party

Hads outside the wine bar

Shea and Hads (next door neighbor)

Oh I have so much catching up to do! Blizzards, planes, trains, automobiles, Valentines Day and Hadley's 15 month apt. I will spare you all some very long winded story and just give you the quick version...

Feb. 4th, Price and I left for Boston for the night for his cousins memorial service on friday morning. Mom and Dad Brown came to watch Hadley.

Feb. 5th, we changed our airtran flight twice during the day to move it up as early in the day as we could to get out of town before the snow started in Baltimore. Head to airport in high heeled boots, skirts, suits, etc. ONLY to find even the 2:30 flight was cancelled even though it had JUST started snowing in Bmore. They didn't want to risk the plane getting stuck there apparently. Back to restaurant for the party after the service.

Feb. 6th...ALL FLIGHTS, TRAINS, BUSSES, HIGHWAYS etc CLOSED and we were stuck in Boston yet again. Mom and Dad were having time of their lives (my story and sticking to it) with Hadley while we tried to enjoy ourselves while spending endless hours on the internet and phone trying to get home.

Feb. 7th...changed flights again to this day (Sunday) and were afraid we couldn't get home again after governor of MD made annoucnment that BWI would not resume flights until Monday afternoon so Price and I took action and hopped on the Peter Pan bus to head south! We went as far as NYC and stayed there with Laura for the night. Went out for superbowl.

Feb. 8th...FINALLY AMTRAK running so hopped on a train to get back to BMORE. Mad eit home JUST in nick of time before NEXT Blizzard came Tuesday night. City is still a disaster almost 2 weeks later. THANKS MOM AND DAD FOR WATCHING HADS FOR SO LONG!

1 comment:

The Abbotts said...

So glad you finally made it home. Welcome to toddlerhood, both a fun & trying time :).