Tuesday, June 29, 2010

LOTS happening!

Running from the cows
Crazy goats that Hadley LOVED

Sitting in Window of cottage

In front of the cottage in Lancaster

Tractor Train

On our roof deck Fathers Day night

Fathers Day

Gosh, where to begin. There is so much happening in the Booker household. First we had a great Fathers Day. Mom, Dad and Joe all came up and we went to get oysters in Baltimore, then made a great dinner that night. Was fun to have everyone together. Another big thing is that its official, WE ARE MOVING! Yes, it is all final, well, house isn't finished yet, but we are moving to Annapolis. Settlement date is currently July 20th. Since we didn't get word until the closing date was only a month away, we have been totally nuts with trying to show our house to renters and pack boxes. Not a WHOLE lot of places to put boxes in our little row home. We are managing. If Hadley took her toys away for the next month the place would be much emptier but that is not happening. Last Friday Mom was dying to take Hadley to the farm in Lancaster County so that is what we did for the night. Just the ladies. Hadley had a BLAST! She got to see SO many farm animals, ride on tire swings, horse swings, tractor trains, etc. We saw goats, peacocks, chickens (we even collected their eggs), cows of course, horses, mini ponies, and I can't even think of what else. She was in heaven. City baby was LOVING all the grass to run around in and see the lightening bugs, making smore's and much more. I have attached a few pictures. We also got the best crabs I have had in a while on Saturday night here in Bmore. They were to die for!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you all are moving!!?? Good luck. If Booker needs help, have him call me!