Thursday, January 8, 2009

We had Hadley's 2 month doctors appointment yesterday and everything went great! Our little lady is growing and is right on schedule. She is in the 50 percentile for everything, weight, length and head circumference. She weighed in at a whopping 10lbs. 15 ounces and her length is 22 inches long. That would explain why none of the newborn sized suits fit anymore. She did very well with all of her vaccinations, ha. She actually hated them and her face turned the color of a stop sign and no sound came out of her mouth she was so upset, but we survived. She also did not get a fever which I was happy about. She did manage to have her best night YET since being home with us. I fed her at 10:30pm and she slept until 6:50am. UNBELIEVABLE! I am assuming its from the shots but hoping not! That is all I have to report today. Tomorrow is Grandma Brown's birthday so we will make a trip down to NOVA to take her to lunch.


Unknown said...

Looking good, little h!! Glad to hear you are right on schedule, just as your mother would have planned if she could :)

Jackson/Addison said...

You are getting to be such a big girl Hadley. Happy 2 monrhs!