Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Busy Few Weeks

Good times at the beach with family.

Hadley now falls asleep sitting up a lot!

One I am ordering...hilarious!


Connor Jennison and Hadley at the beach

So Hadley started the dreaded daycare two weeks ago. I was a complete disaster that day but seem to have myself together now. It was an interesting transition since she went Mon, Tues, and Wednesday and then we got a call to come pick her up Thursday because she was running a fever. This was her first fever and first real sickness. WAS NOT FUN! But..we all survived. She started out with lots of congestion, that then turned into an ear infection which caused some unpleasant stuff down below! She was not able to go to daycare all last week so she got to come back to work with me. So..she started AGAIN this past Monday. We have been at the beach the past 2 weekends and had some wonderful times with family and friends. Daycare also did do professional pictures on Hadley's second day there so I scanned the proofs and will post. They are quite funny. I will order a package just so I have her first "school pictures" but I can only order one pose so enjoy these. Quality not so great but you get the idea. We will head to Roanoke this weekend to see Hadley's Great Granny who turns 97 on Friday and then Price and Dan Yardley will go the the VT game. Should be another fun weekend.

1 comment:

Christine said...

oh my goodness, i love her school pictures, hilarious! she is so grown up on that bench. too funny that she falls asleep sitting up! sorry she was so sick...not fun at all, but glad she's better now. does she seem to like going to daycare? i hope you are having a good day!!