Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lunch at Pasticcio in Canton with the McCartney's
Zach and Quinn (1 week and 5 mos)
Kevin and April Herbet came through with Mom and Dad to meet Z
Shea came to play with her best friend Hadley
Zach and Baby Harris (1.5 weeks and 7 weeks)
Graeme came to meet Baby Z at 1.5 weeks old
Pop Pop and Z

Z in his bili blanket...not fun!

So we are now approaching 3 weeks at home with our little man. Things are going pretty well with a few minor hiccups. We FINALLY were able to turn in the bili blanket that was deilvered to our home last Tuesday. Zach's jaundice was much better so we were able to be without the blanket. Hadley did wake up Tuesday am last week with stuffiness and slight fever. She has had a fairly bad cold so I have been a WRECK (its hopeless now) trying to keep her away from her "baby broder" and using more antibacterial wipes and squirt than ever before. My hands feel like they are going to peel off. Z did get a little stuffy but seems to be doing ok. We have had a few battles as big sis adjusts to her NOT solo role anymore. She has been doing the complete opposite of what we ask as well as throwing some major fits. I guess its all to be expected. The good news is she is still sleeping great. WE have had some battles when we exit her room at night. If we didn't have the gate in her door she would NEVER go to bed. So thank god for that! Best thing we ever did. Anyway..I will post a few pics. I need to download some more off the camera so will do that tonight but here are some others.

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