Sunday, August 9, 2009

9 Months Gone by!


Wow how time flies. Hadley turned 9 mos. this past Friday. I cannot believe it! She is the most amazing addition to our family in the world! I will post an update tomorrow after her 9 mos. doctors apt. I am VERY curious to see how much she weighs. We did put one of her "big girl" car seats in the SUV a few weeks ago and she is so much more comfortable. Price, Hadley and I travel to Jackson Hole Wyoming on Friday and I am waiting for the doc. apt tomorrow to see whether we can travel with her infant seat or what to do about that. Hadley is at such a fun stage right now. VERY into mimicking us and almost saying, "Uh Oh" after I do which seems to be a lot. She also LOVES to clap all the time and waves a ton but mostly at strange people, more so than those that she knows. She says the GGggg sound all the time and often it sounds like "good girl" which Price and I say all the time to her as well as Kali. So much more but then it would sound like I am telling you more than I am sure you care to know about our little lady. One big thing going on is that we did decide to do daycare and found a wonderful place. We will start her there in mid September. Its getting tough for us at the office now so this 'step' will be great for both of us. She LOVES being aroudn other babies and kids so this will be wonderful for her. I know that it will be harder for me than for her. Anyway, I feel as if I am babbling on. I will post a few new pictures. We went to NOVA on Saturday to see some of our good friends and had a great time. Thanks Jon and Jenny!

1 comment:

Jackson/Addison said...

Hadley -- You are getting to be such a big girl! What a cutie you are! Happy 9 months!