Sunday, November 16, 2008

One Week Down!

Chris and Alyssa and soon to be Baby Clopton came over( 8 days old), Family photo on Abby Bday (5days old), Kerry McCarthy visited me a few times (8 days old)

Hokie Game (6 days old), Skins Game (9 days old)

So we have survived our first week home with Hadley. Mom was here to help out from Sunday thru Thursday of this past week. We couldn't have done it without her help. THANKS MOM!! Dad was up and back a few times too to visit and he was good at supervising her on the couch and running out to pick us up food and beer when needed as well as open delicious bottles of wine. We celebrated my 31st bday on Wednesday with the whole Brown family. I was a bit tired and exhausted so was quite different from birthdays past. The first few nights were really tough but we are slowly settling into a routine that seems to be working. Our little lady seems to be quite the night owl from about 9-1am. I am watching a lot of late night TV. That is when she was really active while I was carrying her too. Doctors said it will take some time to get her off of that schedule. She had her first pediatrician apt last Monday and it went well. She lost the normal 10% of body weight so hoping when we go tomorrow she will have put some of that back on. She got all dressed up for her first Hokie game ( I was in labor during the last one) on Thursday night and she is all geared up for the Skins vs. Dallas game tonight. Our little lady should be used to Price yelling at the tv and being at the Skins games so she tolerates noise quite well. Soon we can get her a bit more girly outfits. We are making do right now with the gear we have. I thought her Redskins onesie would fit but its too big :( Maybe for the tail end of the season. THANK YOU TO ALL FOR THE FABULOUS GIFTS AND FLOWERS! I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH!!!!

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